Who We Are

We are a welcoming church community dedicated to living the teachings of Jesus, as revealed in the Scriptures by the Spirit of God. Through our everyday actions we try to reflect God's love for Creation, respecting all living things and the earth itself. We trust that with our hearts open, God's Spirit will inspire us to use our individual talents to meet the needs within our church body, our community, and our world.

Following the Jesus tradition, we gratefully welcome all people into our church, a spacious place where lives can be honestly shared and supported; a church in close conversation with God, inspired by the Spirit, and guided in great love by Jesus.

St Philip is a community who shares a commitment to Jesus Christ. We aim to be a welcoming, open community of faith in which everyone is encouraged to grow in their awareness of God’s presence in the world. (Read more here.)

Please feel welcome among us! You are important to us and we trust that God will guide you to find your place among us. 

If you are new to church, Christian spirituality, or Anglicanism, please drop us a line or come by for worship. We’d love to get together with you to chat more!

For an introduction to our parish, have a look at our Welcome Book: click here

How we're connected to Christians beyond St Philip

The Anglican parish of St Philip doesn't 'go it alone'. We see ourselves as partners in God's mission in the world, along with Christians around the globe. And we are part of a larger family of churches, the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia. The diocese includes all the Anglican churches on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands of the Salish Sea, the Broughton Archipelago, and Kingcome Inlet, and is informally called ‘the diocese of the islands and inlets’.

As a diocese, we are part of the Anglican Church of Canada and the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Church of Canada is also in full communion partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.