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Join Christ Church Cathedral for an in-person offering of Intersections. These sessions will be facilitated by the Rev’d Canon Jeannine Friesen, Priest in Charge, and Dr. Martha McGinnis, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria, and Chair of the Cathedral’s Reconciliation Group.

Intersections: A Dialogue Series is an opportunity to engage with Challenging Racist ‘British Columbia’: 150 Years and Counting (CRBC). Produced as part of the commemorations of 150 years since BC joined Canada, this open-access, multimedia resources documents how the recent cycle of anti-racist activism in this province is part of a broader history of Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities challenging white supremacy for over 150 years.

More information can be found HERE and below in the Introduction Video with Bishop Anna.

When: Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm beginning February 13 and running until March 26.
Where: Chapter Room of the Cathedral

Register with the office or call 250 383 2714.