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from The Churches Beyond Borders Communion (churches in full communion with each other: Canadian Anglicans, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)) has created a Cycle of Prayer for this Advent season, featuring prayers each day for partners in the Holy Land. For the four Sundays of Advent, prayers were written personally by the Presiding/National/Primatial bishops of the four churches, focusing on themes of truth, justice, peace and hope.

Download 2023 Advent Cycle of Prayer for the Churches in the Holy Land and the Middle East

Thanks to @zawyeh on Instagram for work and artist information: "Sliman Mansour‘s work titled Symbol of Hope is an uplifting depiction of the Palestinian spirit, resilience, and the longing for peace in a land marred by conflict. Mansour conveys a powerful message of optimism, showing that despite the challenges and hardships faced, the Palestinian people continue to seek a future where peace and harmony can take flight like a white dove in the sky. Artist @sliman.mansour.  Original artwork  Symbol of Hope (1985), Aqueous print on archival Canson rag."