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In order to ensure full St. Philip representation at Synod, we need to elect two alternate Synod delegates, and submit their names to the Diocese, not later than March 15th. We plan to elect the alternate delegates at an extraordinary vestry meeting on March 12, right after the 9:30 worship service.

Alternate delegates must be able to commit to all of the following dates:

1) Wed 22 March 7-8pm: Parish Council meeting, in person at the church

2) Sat 25 March, 10am-noon at St Peter, Lakehill, in person only: Pre-Synod regional meeting

3) Tues 18 April, 7-8pm: Parish Council meeting, in person at the church

4) Sat 13 May 9am - 1pm, via Zoom only: Diocesan Synod

Attendance at the Opening Eucharist for Synod, at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, in person or online, on the evening of Friday, May 12, beginning at 7:00pm, is encouraged but not mandatory.

Delegates and alternates who attend Synod will report back to the congregation on its events and decisions, but alternates are not committed to continuing to attend Parish Council meetings after Synod.

Person specification:

  • Communicant (regularly receiving communion) of the parish of at least one year’s standing, and of the age of 16 years and upwards, and resident within the diocese for three months immediately preceding the election (i.e. since 12 December 2022)
  • In regular attendance at worship services and parish events.
  • Have an interest in the parish and its relationship with the larger church.
  • Have the time and ability to fulfill the job description (linked below).

Please consider prayerfully whether you might be able to give your time this spring to serving your parish and diocese in this way. Those willing to let their names stand or wanting more information should contact the Wardens:

More about being a Delegate to Synod

Delegate Position Description