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Apr 14th - Maundy Thursday - 10 am - Communion and Stripping of the Altar, which reminds us that, at his death, Jesus was stripped of all worldly belongings, human dignity and power.

Apr 15th - Good Friday - 10 am - The service will be live streamed. If you will be viewing from home, a printed copy of the liturgy booklet is now available to pick up in the narthex, or click here to download an electronic version (PDF).

Apr 16th - Holy Saturday - Flowers and/or greenery to contribute toward decorating the church for Easter can be dropped off at the side ramp door Friday or early Sat. am. There will be buckets of water for the flowers.

Apr 17th - Easter Sunday

  • 8:00 a.m. Communion in-building
  • 9:00 a.m. Communion in-building & Live-streamed (click here)
  • 10.30 a.m. Coffee, Easter eggs and other outdoor fun!
  • 11:15 a.m. Morning Prayer/Communion in-building

St. Philip Mask and Communion Protocols

  • Masks - We will maintain the practice of wearing masks whenever attending worship through Easter. If the Diocese permits, we will consider allowing attendance at worship without masks for those who feel comfortable, on the first Sunday after Easter.  
  • Communion - We will continue at this time to receive bread only at communion. 

Link for live-streamed services: